20 research outputs found

    Identification and model-based compensation of Striebeck friction

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    The paper deals with the measurement, identification and compensation of low velocity friction in positioning systems. The introduced algorithms are based on a linearized friction model, which can easily be introduced in tracking control algorithms. The developed friction measurement and compensation methods can be implemented in simple industrial controller architectures, such as microcontrollers. Experimental measurements are provided to show the performances of the proposed control algorithm

    Motion stabilization in the presence of friction and backlash: a hybrid system approach

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    In this paper a hybrid system approach is considered to deal with backlash and friction induced nonlinearities in mechanical control systems. To describe the low velocity frictional behaviour a linearized friction model is proposed. The novelty of this study is that based on the introduced friction model, the stability theorems developed for hybrid systems can directly be applied for controller design of mechanical systems in the presence of Stribeck friction and backlash. During the controller design it is assumed that the size of the backlash gap is unknown and the load side position and velocity cannot be measured. For motion control an LQ controller is applied. A condition is formulated for the control law parameters to guarantee the asymptotic stability of the control system. Simulation measurements were performed to confirm the theoretical results

    Sliding mode robot control with friction and payload estimation

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    The paper deals with robust motion control of robotic systems with unknown friction parameters and payload mass. The parameters of the robot arm were considered known with a given precision. To solve the control of the robot with unknown payload mass and friction parameters, sliding mode control algorithm was proposed combined with robust parameter adaptation techniques. Using Lyapunov method it was shown that the resulting controller achieves a guaranteed final tracking accuracy. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and achievable control performance of the proposed scheme


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    The paper deals with robust adaptive control of a class of single-input single-output nonlinear system, in which robustness is guaranteed by switching control algorithm and adaptation law using smooth gradient projection. It is discussed the behavior of the control system, when the nonlinear part in the model of the controlled system is not known exactly. A modified control law is proposed that assures the boundedness of all the signals of the control system even if the nonlinear model contains unmodelled disturbance

    Comparison of the approximation methods for time-delay systems: application to multi-agent systems

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    This paper presents a review of dominant pole and model-approximation algorithms for delayed systems that can be applied to multi-agent systems. A novel algorithm is proposed to determine an approximation method for multi-agent systems in the platoon configuration with a communication delay. Simulations are presented to show the applicability of the proposed algorithm

    Irányítástechnika. Laboratóriumi útmutató

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    Az Irányítástechnika laboratóriumi útmutató gyakorlati segédanyag a műszaki oktatásban részt vevő hallgatók számára. Tizenkét gyakorlatot tartalmaz, amelyek hozzásegítik a hallgatókat a szabályozástechnikai alapfogalmak megismeréséhez, begyakorlásához és alkalmazásához. Külön gyakorlatok foglalkoznak a mintavételes szabályozások megvalósítási problémáival, illetve a klasszikus szabályozó tervezési módszerekkel. A szabályozástechnikai feladatokat gyakorlati problémákon keresztül mutatjuk be – ilyenek a hőmérsékletszabályozás, az egyenáramú motor kaszkád szabályozása, az ipari kemencék szabályozása, illetve mechanikai rendszerek és vegyi folyamatok PID szabályozása

    Parameter fault diagnosis in heat exchange networks with distributed time delay

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    This paper deals with parameter fault diagnosis in heat exchange networks (HENs) with joining and splitting connections where the change in the heat transfer coefficient is considered as fault. The fault diagnosis oriented model of the HEN elements was developed based on the equivalent LTI realization of distributed delay models. The Signed Directed Graph (SDG) method is used to derive the fault observability conditions. The presence of faults induces bi-linear fault-input terms into the system model. Thus, a nonlinear adaptive observer was proposed for fault diagnosis. To verify and validate the proposed method, a case study is presented. The simulation results show that the observers are successfully detecting and estimating the faults and unknown system states

    Internet - based Bilateral Teleoperation Using a Revised Time - Domain Passivity Controller

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    This study presents a teleoperation system for remote control of mobile manipulators over the Internet. A bilateral control algorithm is proposed that can assure both stability and proper force reflection in the presence of non-constant delay in the communication channels between the master and the slave. The control approach in this paper is based on the time domain passivity concept and proposes a modified passivity controller to assure enhanced transparency with bounded control actions in the presence of time-varying communication delay. Transatlantic and inter-European bilateral teleoperation experiments are also reported (Montreal, Canada - Tirgu Mures, Romania; Budapest, Hungary - Tirgu Mures, Romania). The experimental measurements show the applicability of the control approach and its benefits on the teleoperation performances

    Autonóm földi, légi és vízi robotok korszerű irányításelmélete és mesterséges intelligencia eszközei = Advanced Control Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Marine Robots

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    Módszereket dolgoztunk ki autonóm földi, légi és vízi járművek (robotok) egységes elveken alapuló modellezésére. Algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki járművek és formációban haladó járműegyüttesek stabil irányítására. Módszereket dolgoztunk ki nemsima nemlinearitásokat tartalmazó robotok és más mechanikai rendszerek modellezésére, identifikációjára és robusztus irányítására. Mozgástervezési és koordinálási algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki multiágensű rendszerek számára korlátozások jelenlétében a játékelmélet, a megerősítéses tanulás és a számítási intelligencia bevonásával. Modellezési eljárást és irányítási algoritmusokat dolgoztunk ki alulaktuált földi járművek és más mechanikai rendszerek számára lineáris korlátozások esetén. Megmutattuk, hogy időskálázással bővíthető a linearizálható dinamikus rendszerek osztálya. Algoritmust adtunk aktív alsó végtagprotézis szabályozására. Hiperredundáns robotok mozgástervezésére új elvű eljárást fejlesztettünk ki. Mozgásanalízisen és sztereótechnikán alapuló módszereket fejlesztettünk ki általános képfeldolgozási feladatok megoldására és beltéri járművek térbeli pozíciójának és orientációjának meghatározására valós időben. Új módszertant dolgoztunk ki diszkrét eseményű rendszerek többszintű modellezésére és felügyeleti irányítására. Módszert dolgoztunk ki navigációs szenzorok fúziójára és az állapotváltozók nagy pontosságú becslésére. Mintarendszert fejlesztettünk beltéri helikopterek irányítási algoritmusainak valós idejű vizsgálatára. | Methods were elaborated for modeling autonomous ground, aerial and marine vehicles (robots) based on uniform concepts. Algorithms were developed for stable control of vehicles and their ensembles moving in formation. For robots and other mechanical systems containing nonsmooth nonlinearities new methods were elaborated for modeling, identification and robust control. Motion design and coordination algorithms were developed for constrained multiagent systems based on game theory, reinforcement learning and computational intellegence. Modeling methods and control algorithms were elaborated for underactuated ground vehicles and other mechatronic systems under linear constraints. It was shown that using timescaling the class of linearizable dynamic systems can be extended. An algorithm was developed for the control of an active lower limb prosthetic. A novel method was elaborated for the motion design of hyperredundant robots. Methods based on motion analysis and stereo technique were developed for solving general image processing tasks and determining the position and orientation of indoor vehicles in real time. For discrete event systems a new methodology was given for the multilevel modeling and supervisory control. Methods were elaborated for the fusion of navigation sensors and the high-precision state estimation. A system of 3 indoor helicopters were developed for the investigation of control algorithms in real time